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This project arises from religious education courses at the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University Chicago but can be opened to other programs as well. Interested professors of religious education or faith formation should e-mail edaily@luc.edu if they want their students to be included.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Review of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a Montessori approach to Religious Education. The program has three developmental levels, with each level building upon previous levels. The curriculum stems from liturgical and biblical concepts in the Church, and the presentations for each level are presented in a three year cycle. Children receive the greatest benefit after being in each level for three years. In 1981, James Fowler wrote a book entitled Stages of Faith: The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning. In this book, he details six developmental stages we go through in our faith lives. The first three stages are primarily age related, while higher levels may or may not be reached, depending on the faith development of the individual. The CGS program is an ideal program for recognizing the faith development of a person. Each of the three levels for children are age related and follow very closely the first three levels of Fowler’s stages of faith. Another strength of the program though is the formation for catechists. It allows for further faith development into the higher stages of adult faith.


  1. CGS is a great program. I've been trained in all three levels and presently teach it at a parish and a school. The faith formation for catechists is quite excellent. There is more information here: www.cgsusa.org. And, if you're interested in the Master's program for catechists, look here: www.ai.edu/goodshepherd

  2. is there a difference between episcopal CGS vs. catholic CGS?

  3. very limited, the materials are the same, just a few changes in the biblical text read for presentations.
